
Set up your Document Request Templates

Set your Document Requests as templates to be used quickly. Common document requests include:

  • Offer Letter
  • Individual Employment Agreement (IEA)
  • Position Statement
  • House Rules

Watch the below video to guide you through setting up your templates or follow these instructions.

Stage 1: Set up your templates

  1. Go to “Document Request” on the left panel
  2. Click the blue button “Add Document Request”
  3. Fill out the details on the page.
  4. Select "Save"
  5. Click “Add Document Completion Step” and complete the details.
  6. Assign whoever is in charge of this document. EG; manager or administrator.
  7. Select “Save”
  8. Click “Add Document Completion Step” and add the second step, being a request for the employee to review and sign the contract.
  9. Assign to the employee
  10. Select “Save”
  11. This template is now ready to be used for multiple employee's, and can be reused. Tip: Do not remove tagged employee's when adding a new employee this will remove the previous employee's document from their profile.

Stage 2: Assign to your employees

  1. To assign a Document Request to an employee, navigate to the relevant Document Request.
  2. Tag the Employee from the list.
  3. Select "Save"
  4. Navigate to "My Employment"
  5. Select the "Document Request Card"
  6. Upload File
  7. Move Status to "Completed"
  8. Save
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